domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

The un-greening of electric vehicles

It seems that something I've assumed for some time has been scientifically supported. Electric vehicles are not 'greener' than other vehicles, especially diesel vehicles. This is when you consider the entire system, not simply the vehicle itself. The generation of electricity and transportation of it can be less efficient and more damaging to the environment than the vehicle generating its own power. Furthermore, the manufacture of the batteries for electric vehicles, especially considering their limited lifespan, are very toxic and can be damaging proposition for the environment. A Norwegian University study confirms this. However, this depends on the type of energy being generated that you would consume. The EU, for example, uses more sustainable energy sources than the U.S. or China. Lithium is recyclable and the electrolytes within the batteries are common salts. The production and transportation of gasoline and diesel consumes energy as well, making that system less efficient. Nonetheless, these are some interesting things to consider.

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013


Today I finished and submitted a NASA Earth Science Fellowship Grant. I'm not holding my breath, but I feel good about having accomplished the proposal. Thinking critically about research, why it matters and how you can contribute to a larger body of knowledge is... rewarding. I think this is why I decided to come back to school, to do research. To learn and to teach others about that knowledge so that they too can contribute.

Greenland Glacier Calving Event

"The only way that you can really try to put it into scale with human reference is if you imagine Manhattan, and all of a sudden, all of those buildings just start to rumble, and quake, and peel off, fall over, and roll around. This whole massive city just breaking apart in front of your eyes,"